
Wednesday 6 February 2013

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 13 Episode 13

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Season 13 Episode 13 preview
The hugely popular "CSI" is no less than a contemporary entertainment marvel. Finding its stride in season 2 with a formula which pushes the envelope while still being doable, this series packs ample portions of entertainment into 40 minute episodes while staying fresh, delivering palatable doses of science didactically, and, most of all, manifesting a strong sense of social responsibility in all of its subliminals. While most entertainment aims for the crotch, the gut, or the heart, "CSI" goes for the most difficult target, the head, as it teaches forensics and the empirical process while remaining cooly detached from sensationalism and melodrama all the while using the "truth is stranger (and more interesting) than fiction" thesis to its and our advantage. The results are fun and interesting lessons in everything from dwarfism to Down syndrome to anatomy to ballistics to etc. all the while maintaining a social conscience. Whether explaining how S&M is not necessarily perversion to simply dissing Don King, "CSI" is one sweet sugar coated education with solid mainstream values. My favorite lines? CSI1:"There's a sucker born every minute." CSI2: "Yeah. And they all come to Vegas." Truer words....

CSI has come to the UK and has been on our screens for around a year. I saw the first episode and was impressed but like with a lot of TV series I found good such as the X-files I just forgot about it and never watched it, anyway about 2 months ago I heard and advert on the radio for it and so watched it. I have been watching it religously since, I have missed most of series one and the first few episodes of series two which annoys me but every episode is great, well written and excellently acted and directed. What sets this out from other TV shows is the incredibly professional look, from the movie like cinematography to the brilliant acting, the writing is always very good and the plot twists always surprising whilst feasible. I wish I had watched it since series one. I am a fan of Marg Helgenberger, I find her very sexy, she is a gorgeous woman and this really made me finally decide to watch it, as I usually watch something from the movie channels on saturdays. The show has a great production value and its got that Bruckheimer class about it. They always have good directors such as Danny Cannon who also did the underrated Stallone flick Judge Dredd. All the actors are good the two younger guys played by Gary Dourdon and George Eads and the nice looking Joja Fox and they and Marg are all led by the ultra intelligent Gill Grissom, excellently played by the one of the shows producers William Peterson, the lines Grissom has are classic. The show has some generally interesting characters who are all likeable. This show is pure TV excellence and it gets a bonus thumbs up because they cast one of my fave actors Mark Dacascos in an episode which should reach the UK in about 7 weeks. 10/10

CSI is one of the best TV series of the last few years (with Law and Order: Special Victims unit and That 70's show). Not only is it original and exciting, but the acting is top shelf as well. The producers and the people from casting, most famously represented by Jerry Bruckheimer, really did a great job in bringing together a perfect team of actors. The two most famous to me were Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) and Paul Guilfoyle (Jim Brass) who have had a couple of minor roles in some films I saw. The rest of the crew are William L.Petersen (Gil Grissom), Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle), Gary Dourdan (Warrick Brown) and George Earls (Nick Stokes)

The main characters from CSI, although flawed, like all human beings, are all likeable in their own way, including Greg Sanders (portrayed by Eric Szmanda). Despite the fact that all of the characters like their work and seem a bit obsessed by it, all characters are unique. Grissom is the wise, well educated loner, who seems to be the tough yet soft mentor to the rest of the crew. He likes to play with bugs and at times he seems not to forget what it means to be social. Sidle portrays some kind of a younger version of Grissom. She is eager to be the best, dedicated to her work night and day and quite the loner as well. Willows plays the modern woman. Dedicated to her work, but also a mother, which seems hard to balance at times. Warrick and Stokes are the manly men in the series, always competing to prove themselves and showing the other one who is the best.

The characterizations of the persons portrayed along with everyones way of conduct and the great stories provide and interesting, humane and charming show, to be enjoyed by many people for a long time (I hope). Tune in and get your own opinion. Here is mine.
